RIO LARGO: A Decanter Revolution and the Unmistakable Red Fox Seal of Quality

In 2011, RIO LARGO revolutionized the SA olive oil scene by introducing decanters on tap, featuring the inaugural design ‘Freedom of the Press’ by Frans Groenewald. The response was overwhelming; we debuted the concept at a Food Fair, and before the day was over, we had completely sold out, leaving us thrilled and the customers enamoured.

A year later, curiosity led us to sample the olive oil stored in a bag-in-a-box. The result was astonishing – the quality of the oil, shielded from air and light and maintained at a cool temperature, exceeded our expectations. Bolstered by this discovery, we confidently took it to markets across the globe, making it a pivotal moment in our journey.

Inspiration struck during a birthday lunch adorned with fleeting floral arrangements. We decided to incorporate floral designs onto our decanters, with new designs coming on board when we saw a fit. Each design, like every flower, is unique, contributing to the individual tastes offered in our collection.

Our latest addition, featuring a World Cup Rugby design, showcases the unwavering creative spirit offered with these decanters, with personalised designs being on offer too.

What began as a unique idea soon caught the attention of imitators, from fellow producers to retailers – a testament to the popularity and uniqueness of these decanters!

Amidst this competition, one thing remains constant – the iconic red fox overseeing our brand. A symbol of authenticity; if you don’t spot the red fox, it’s not RIO LARGO.

We’ve learned through years in this industry that, ultimately, what’s inside the decanter holds greater significance than the vessel itself. So, when you’re on the lookout for the best in olive oil, and design, remember to look for the red fox – look for RIO LARGO!

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